Join the Wait List for the next round of Embodied Leadership

Claim My Spot!

Imagine a life where you KNEW in your soul, you were fully supported. 

Coming home after having an incredible day in the office to the LOVE of your life, knowing it is your time to be nurtured and loved. 

A life that meant the more you were nourished the more money you made. 

The more orgasms you had the more the abundance flowed. 

This dream does not have to die today. 

This is ALL possible. 

We first need you to let go of control. 
To understand safety in your body and develop your relationship with the HEALTHY masculine. 

I need you to REALLY see what is happening RIGHT NOW with your current level of leadership. This old way of HUSTLE mode gets to die. 

I promise you, the man FOR you is here to support you through your vision.

The business you DESIRE gets to happen!



There is a way through this.

And I am going to show you the secrets that women all over the world are using to create life on their terms and generate MAGICK in their world and ACTIVATE their FEMININE LEADERSHIP!

I am going to show you that you do not have to choose between anything. 

You get to have it all. 


Trust me when I say I get it, I spent years crying out for attention from men, believing that I could never have a successful business and a loving partner. Throwing myself into traumatic experience after traumatic experience. I was ruled by the thought I had to choose one. 

Until I decided to move differently.


I am here to show you there is another way.

I am here to show you what it is to truly lead from your feminine power. 

It is time to surrender in love and thrive in your business. 


This is your time now. 

Hi, I'm Casey

I built my business to a multiple 6 figure business in the first 12 months of going full time.

Within these 12 months, I also fell pregnant with my first son and had to learn how to juggle motherhood, an evolving relationship, a fast growing business and my NEW identity!

As a family we committed to my business being the main income for us- was this easy? No, however- I have definitely learned the power of owning your worth and settling for nothing less than you deserve.

I held myself to a high standard and continued to scale my business, I loved harder in my relationships and I made sure I showed up for everything my son needed me for all while I kept climbing financially.

I found the magic in continually expanding in all areas, almost 3 years later, a team behind me, I have the know how and the expertise to get you in your ZONE OF GENIUS making BIG MONEY all while living the life you desire! No- you do not have to sacrifice yours of your (perhaps future) families needs/ desires in order to become successful!

My magic is in ACTIVATING the truth of those who are here to serve on a LARGE SCALE and MONETIZING their message and  opening up the space for my clients to fully EMBODYING their deepest desires.


Want to know why this is a MUST?

As the world continues to change,  the dynamics of relationships & business change.

Have you ever looked at your leadership inside relationships? Both in personal & professional?

In detail?

There is so much pressure put on daily to be the perfect woman and honestly I just want to say "F*CK THAT".

Every relationship (professional & personal) we have in our life starts with us! It starts with how we honour our truth and our self in EVERYTHING!

I have been working with women for years now helping them shift the dynamic of what it truly means to EMBODY ALL OF YOU.

Want to know a fun little fact?

The more we embody our leadership and the happier we are as women, we empower all relationships around us.

Yes, you are the person who is the catalyst for change in your life and for those you love.

If you haven't already seen I'm on a mission to help women globally acknowledge their own power!


I promise you, there is something inside of you, your soul is calling for you to discover. 


You may already know it, however, most people live in so much fear they block their truth from shining through. This fear-based life path can often lead to depression, anxiety, unhappiness, unworthiness, self loathing and SELF SABOTAGE. I know this because I LIVED THERE. 


My love for embodied leadership developed in my early days as a Personal Trainer. I would see countless clients walk through the doors, limited by their own belief systems. As I started to understand that everyone had a story holding them back, I started to realised my own impending limitations with my mindset. I had big dreams, but also a big reason why I could not achieve what I wanted and I was living in survival mode. I was meeting my needs all in a completely negative state which almost sent me bankrupt, I struggled in relationships and had left me homeless having to move home to my parents starting all over again… not once, but TWICE. 


After realising this pattern for years within myself, knowing I could achieve what I wanted, yet having so many blocks and continued self-destructive behaviours. I decided to learn everything I could to master my own fears and build the life I had always wanted.  


As I took hold of what had really held me back, I knew there needed to be a way I could share this knowledge with the world. I knew if my stories held me back, it would also hold others back. I needed a way, to change lives and allow people to truly reach their potential. I needed the world to experience the new found freedom I had. I wanted the world to know the LOVE I finally felt for every area of my life. 


When I finally connected the dots between business and relationships, my ENTIRE  life shifted. It had shifted from a knowing to a full body F*ck YES! 


And now I here to help you RE-IGNITE Your inner compass. 



November 2023

An 8 week immersion, body integration journey into RAISING your VIBRATION and MANIFESTING your dreams and living from the deepest PLACE OF FREEDOM.

What will you recieve?

âś“8 LIVE masterclasses with ME!

âś“ 8 LIVE coaching calls on zoom- yes these are separate to the Masterclasses!

✓ ME as your PERSONAL coach for the entire 8 weeks! 

✓Access to an INCREDIBLE community of inspirational women, committed to their leadership! 

✓ Embody a new way of safety in your leadership & activate your power even in the face of adversity
✓ Uplevel your relationship with money and clear any karmic debts

âś“Integrate your healthy masculine & feminine energy for EMBODIED LEADERSHIP

âś“Regulate your nervous system and recalibrate for success & reclaim your health

âś“Understand your success blueprint and how to fast track success in a way that is energetically aligned

✓ Reclaim your power & direction inside your business

âś“Understand where your shadow runs the show and how to lead with love
âś“Step into your next quantum leap EMBODYING FEMININE LEADERSHIP
✓ FOREVER ACCESS to the modules and coaching call replays [BONUS]
✓ 30 min 1:1 coaching call with me half way through to truly make sure you are seen, held and supported. [BONUS]

This is worth over = $12,999 AUD 

Claim your spot today from $2222 AUD.

"I started working with Casey 2 years ago as a women very much in my masculine energy and lacking compassion for myself and others.
The work I have done with Casey's guidance and support has easily been the most important work I have ever done. It has influenced all facets of my life and I now feel so at ease with who I am in this world and what I am creating. I now have so much compassion for others and myself whilst holding strong boundaries. I have found my feminine essence and continue to use what she has taught me. I am forever grateful."

Leila Duncan
Business Development Manager

"Case has a unique gift to be able to see through your BS and call you to a higher account then shifts quickly to hold you in your mess and move through what is coming up for you in your business or life for you to connect with what is true for you in this moment. This is such a powerful skill to experience and be able to trust that she can whole heartedly hold space for you whatever it is you are facing off with that is stopping you from being the best version of yourself is actually priceless!"

Alex Unscripted
Business Mentor & Money Mindset Coach

"Working with Casey has been nothing but life changing. I came to her for business coaching but got so much more. She helped me completely transform my business and my confidence. I wouldn't have the income, the amount of clients I have now nor be the woman I am now if it weren't for Caseys guidance, coaching and mentoring. She truly is powerful and one of a kind. I truly and highly recommend her! "

Leila Andersson
Soul-Led Business Coach

8 x 60 min Live Master Classes on ZOOM

If you have witnessed me teach, you will know why it is sooo much fun to be in the room with me...

What will I be teaching?


 Embody a new way of safety in your leadership & activate your power even in the face of adversity
âś“ Uplevel your relationship with money and clear any karmic debts

âś“Integrate your healthy masculine & feminine energy for EMBODIED LEADERSHIP

âś“Regulate your nervous system and recalibrate for success & reclaim your health

âś“Understand your success blueprint and how to fast track success in a way that is energetically aligned

âś“ Reclaim your power & direction inside your business

âś“Understand where your shadow runs the show and how to lead with love
âś“Step into your next quantum leap EMBODYING FEMININE LEADERSHIP



8 x 60 min LIVE group coaching calls with me  on ZOOM


I personally believe this is possible the MOST powerful piece- real life coaching through as we walk through real time implementation

A Printable weekly Workbook [BONUS] 

A weekly workbook with the key notes from the presentation for you to come back to any time you want to revisit this work!

(trust me, this WILL become your bible) 


To ensure you deeply understand what we have covered and gain a deeper understanding from the other participants

FOREVER ACCESS to the modules and coaching call replays!

I know how much you are going to want to rewatch and binge watch these sessions- so you get to keep them forever!


And that's not all...


This one is the one you DESIRE most

âś“ 1x 30 min 1:1 coaching call with ME [BONUS]

I am sooo aware that often, it can be scary to ask those BIG questions in from of others, So when you say YES and complete the tasks you will also have the opportunity to jump on a call directly with me and ask any question you like! BREAKTHROUGH HERE WE COME!

Once we begin, I will send you the direct link to put yourself into my calendar!


This is for you if....

You're sick of letting FEAR of failure or fear of success SABOTAGE your life and you keep blaming the outside world as to why you haven't got what you wanted.

You've reached a plateau in your relationship and professional life, but you KNOW there's more to you that what you're experiencing.

You self medicate or distract with social media, Netflix binges, shopping, video games, food, alcohol, meaningless relationships, substances or porn(yes women, do it too).

You're sick of leaving one area fulfilled whilst you know others are being dragged down just to maintain it.

If you feel like the men in your life will never truly hear you and you are sick of repeating yourself over and over.

You are trying to get attention from your husband/ men through needy tendencies and you just realised through reading this your energy is possibly repelling men and the life you desire.

You're sick of feeling like you cannot have a fulfilling career & relationship- you have convinced yourself it is one of the other.

You feel disconnected with your body, your partner and no matter how many people you are around still feel lonely.

 You're tired of listening to the voice in your head saying you're not enough, that you don't have enough money, aren't attractive enough, or smart enough.  

You're resentful of yourself and towards your partner for people pleasing and putting other's needs before your own.

You over think, over analyse, and/or procrastinate waiting for the “right” time to take action.  

You're inconsistent in your commitments to yourself-not able to uphold new habits or follow through with your intentions.  

You occasionally ask yourself "is this really all there is?" and suspect the answer just might be, yes.  

You doubt your own talents and gifts, wondering if you’re fooling yourself into thinking you have what it takes to have the life of your dreams...  

You’re friendly and coachable.

This is probably not for you if: 

You are not willing to step outside your comfort zone 

You are “too busy at work” and are not willing to put yourself first 

You believe (and not willing to change the belief) that your life is the result of other people's behaviour

You are not willing to do the work in your own world(if you are in one) to change the trajectory of your life 

You are not willing to take ownership of where you refuse to let people in.


Frequently Asked Questions


âś“ Experience the LOVE desire in full surrender

âś“ Lead in your business from an embodied space

âś“ Create the abundance EVERYWHERE in your life


There are universal LAWS and secrets, that most women don’t know HOW to use to truly honour their power within and create the life they desire, I do and I feel it’s my duty to make it more accessible to every woman who wants to rise. 


This LAW can ONLY do FOR you what it can do THROUGH YOU…… Shall we manifest the life you desire together?


I am on a mission to ignite THE EMBODIED WOMEN in all of us across the globe and I am calling you forward. Will you allow me to show you how to re-connect you to your intuition, reignite your career path and show you how to have more money, more sex and more energy in your daily life? If any of this sounds like what your soul is calling for, comment me and I'll be in touch to see if this is the right space for you!


October 2023

An 8 week immersion, body integration journey into RAISING your VIBRATION and MANIFESTING your dreams and living from the deepest PLACE OF FREEDOM.

What will you recieve?

âś“8 LIVE masterclasses with ME!

âś“ 8 LIVE coaching calls on zoom- yes these are separate to the Masterclasses!

âś“ ME as your PERSONAL coach for the entire 8 weeks! 

âś“Access to an INCREDIBLE community of inspirational women, committed to their leadership! 

âś“ Embody a new way of safety in your leadership & activate your power even in the face of adversity
âś“ Uplevel your relationship with money and clear any karmic debts

âś“Integrate your healthy masculine & feminine energy for EMBODIED LEADERSHIP

âś“Regulate your nervous system and recalibrate for success & reclaim your health

âś“Understand your success blueprint and how to fast track success in a way that is energetically aligned

âś“ Reclaim your power & direction inside your business

âś“Understand where your shadow runs the show and how to lead with love
âś“Step into your next quantum leap EMBODYING FEMININE LEADERSHIP
âś“ FOREVER ACCESS to the modules and coaching call replays [BONUS]
âś“ 30 min 1:1 coaching call with me half way through to truly make sure you are seen, held and supported. [BONUS]

This is worth over = $12,999 AUD 

Claim your spot today from $2222 AUD. 


Join the Wait List for the next round of Embodied Leadership

"Casey Warwick..... where do I start with you!

Case, you have to be one of the most intuitive coaches I have ever worked with. The way you are able to see straight through the "stories" and get to the "thing" so quickly, is such a powerful gift. There is no pussy footing around with you! Although it is all done with love, you really shine your light powerfully on the parts that hide in the shadows.

Between your intuition, your witchy magick and the unconditional love you that you have shown me, you have really paved the path for me step into my power in every aspect.

Thank you for being the permission slip for women.

You are my best investment yet!

I love you! "

Jai Drennan
Soul Sensuality Mentor & Breathwork Facilitator

"If you want to work with someone who’s been there before you and can truly be a guide and mentor, Casey is your person.
I was looking to pivot my business, to not just understand the tools, but how to be in the next phase of my business and she delivered gentle and persistent guidance during our time together and beyond.
Casey really cares about her clients, she is someone I consider a confidante and I know that I’ll work with her again in future."

Vanessa Valencia
Business & Mindset Coach, Entrepreneur, and the creator of The Brave Journal

"Where do I even start with you case? Working with you had changed EVERYTHING for me. From my relationship, to my communication, the energy in my business, how I hold myself, my vision for my family and engrained self belief to keep breaking these damn glass ceilings!
What I love most about working with you is the results are tangible, you can see feel and taste them.
Money in the bank, Thriving clients, loving relationship and a feeling of self fulfilment. Everything touches and nothing needs to be sacrificed to have the other.
You are an absolute weapon and I so grateful to be back working with you again I already feel the change!"

Allessandia Montana
Coach/ Mentor - Founder of Cultivate your Confidence Retreats