Are you a soul-led businesswoman ready to soar
beyond 6 figures in 2024?


Introducing my 3-day FREE live masterclass series designed exclusively for women who've already set their goals for the year but are seeking the courage and the know-how to turn those dreams into reality.


Imagine a life where…

You Wake Up Excited For Every Morning

Experience the thrill of aligning your business with your soul's purpose. Picture waking up eager to dive into your work, knowing every action is a step towards a life crafted on your terms.

Fear Becomes Your Ally, Not Your Enemy

Visualize a world where fear transforms from a roadblock to a stepping stone. Learn to harness the power of fear, using it as a catalyst for growth and courage in your business journey.

Your Business Grows Beyond 6 Figures

Envision your business thriving and breaking the 6-figure barrier. Picture a steady and consistent income, breaking free from the feast and famine cycle, and achieving the financial success you've been yearning for.

A Well-Structured Business That Flows Effortlessly is the Norm

See your business transform into a well-oiled machine. Imagine the ease of operations, optimized workflows, and a structure that not only sustains success but propels your venture to new heights allowing you to be in your Feminine Leadership..

Long-Term, Meaningful Client Relationships Fill Your Soul

Picture a client journey that extends beyond transactions. Visualize clients not just as customers but as long-term partners, creating a loyal community around your business.

A Supportive Community of Like-Minded Women Hold You Powerfully

Imagine being part of a community where you're understood, supported, and inspired. Connect with soul-led women who are on a similar journey, forming alliances that go beyond the masterclass.

Your Business Reflects Your Deepest Desires

Envision a business that mirrors your dreams and desires. See yourself at the helm of a venture that not only meets your financial goals but fulfills your soul's deepest longings.


I see you Mama, A  Soul-led woman,  driven by a deep connection to your inner truth and a desire to create a business aligned with your  purpose. 

I also understand the feeling of grappling with the challenge of taking yourself seriously in the world of business. It’s so easy to anchor into our nurturing and empathetic nature and prioritize the needs of others over what YOU actually need, this is often the leading cause of what I consider the “broke business owner effect”. 

The deep  connection we hold to our  intuition, while a powerful guiding force, can often get muddled with the voice of fear inducing self-doubt when faced with the structured demands of the business world. 

Inside this Masterclass we are going to dissolve the fear of appearing too assertive or detached from your authenticity, so you can begin confidently charging what you are truly worth and embracing the strategic mindset necessary for substantial growth. 

This struggle often stems from the profound desire to stay authentic and heart-centered in your endeavors, I get it mama, I want you to know  it's crucial for you to recognize that embracing self-worth is not a compromise but an essential element in realizing your full potential and impact in the business realm.

Hi, I'm Case!

I built my business to a multiple 6 figure business in the first 12 months of going full time. Within these 12 months, I also fell pregnant with my first son and had to learn how to juggle motherhood, an evolving relationship, a fast growing business and my NEW identity! As a family we committed to my business being the main income for us- was this easy? No, however- I have definitely learn the power of owning your worth and settling for nothing less than you deserve. I held myself to a high standard and continued to scale my business, I loved harder in my relationships and I made sure I showed up for everything my son needed me for all while I kept climbing financially.

I found the magic in continually expanding in all areas, almost 3 years later, a team of coaches behind me, I have the know how and the expertise to get you in your ZONE OF GENIUS making BIG MONEY all while living the life you desire! No- you do not have to sacrifice yours of your (perhaps future) families needs/ desires in order to become successful!

My magic is in ACTIVATING the truth of those who are here to serve on a LARGE SCALE and MONETIZING their message and  opening up the space for my clients to fully EMBODYING their deepest desires.

What we will be covering:

Day 1:
"Cultivating Courage for Bold Business Moves"

Unleashing Your Inner Courage

- Introduction to the masterclass and the importance of courage.

- Reflection on personal and business goals for 2024.

Navigating Fear and Hustle Mode

- Understanding the fear-hustle cycle & how duality presents itself in entrepreneurship.

- Techniques for maintaining intuition in the face of fear.

- Practical daily habits to cultivate courage.

Day 2:
"Building a Soul-Led Business Beyond 6 Figures"

Pricing, Prosperity, and Sustainability

  • Pricing strategies to reflect the true value of services.
  • Breaking the feast and famine cycle by understanding the reciprocal nature of giving and receiving in business. 
  • Crafting a well-structured business for long-term success.


Day 3:
"Designing Your Long Client Journey"

Understanding Your Ideal Client and Building Loyalty

  • Identifying and attracting the ideal client utilizing the universal laws 
  • Strategies for building long-term client relationships.
  • The importance of a well-structured client journey to powerfully support your clients and your bank account.



Join the 3 day FREE Masterclass Series to
‘Build your EMBODIED BUSINESS in 2024’

This is for you if...

🔥 You desire to create life on your own terms.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, unleashing the courage within to shape a business that aligns with your soul's purpose.

🔥 You find yourself caught between intuition and fear.

Learn to navigate the thin line between intuition and fear, breaking free from the hustle mode that often accompanies uncertainty.

🔥 Your business is hungry for structure.

Discover the secrets to crafting a well-structured business in simplicity that not only thrives beyond 6 figures but sustains success in the long run.

🔥 You yearn for a client journey that lasts.

Build meaningful, long-term client relationships by understanding your ideal client and creating a journey that extends far beyond the initial transaction.


This is not for you if...

🚫 You're not aiming beyond 6 figures.

If you're not hungry for growth and ready to elevate your business to new heights, this masterclass might not be the right fit for you.

🚫 You're not interested in building a well-structured business.

If you're content with the status quo and not seeking to optimize and structure your business for sustained success, this might not align with your current goals.

🚫 You're not willing to face and overcome fear.

Building a thriving business requires courage. If you're not ready to confront and conquer fear, this masterclass might be more challenging for you.